Reviews of Products and Services



Video Podcasting

Video podcasts allow individuals to get information out all over the internet in no time with a very easy set up that costs nothing, or very little if you decide to have a site assistant help with getting your podcast set up. It allows a video and audio of information to be seen by others.

Podcasts are popping up all over the internet with information on research, movies, and other even political information. They most common types of podcasts are of short programs, music, books; most anything you want to have seen.

The site,, is a compilation of podcasts individuals have posted. Some are of practical jokes, some of are drag racing, the possibilities are endless. Basically anything you can video tape, you can turn into a podcast.

Video podcasts are very simple to make. They involve recording your video, recording your audio, and transferring the entire segment into a MP3 file .That’s it. Such podcasts are replacing the standard profiles on online dating sites with a fun podcast of who that person is. It really gives the user an insight to that person that they wouldn’t get just reading written text.

One concern with video podcasts, are the content of some of them. Surprised parents have discovered their teens posting podcasts of them naked, masturbating, and in some cases having sex. This is another important reason that parents need to monitor what their children are doing, as well as considering placing the computer in an area where it is easily accessible, but where everyone can see what activities are taking place.

Video podcasts have added a new dimension to computer technology, both for work and pleasure. While the idea has only been around for a few years, it has caught on quickly. That is because it is easy to set up as well as easy to access video podcasts.

Radio Podcasting

Radio podcasting involves creating a show, clip, anything that you want viewed over the internet. Podcasts are in great demand today. The site is often overloaded because too many people are trying to view podcasts at the same time. Viewers can see the content and listen to the audio at the same time.

An advantage of podcasting is individuals can view it immediately after you have posted it. There is no waiting period. I know people who use it to work on school projects. For example, they have an idea to show but you can’t come by. They shoot a podcast, visually showing you the idea and telling you about it! Very simple and very fast.

If you are having problems setting up your podcasts, you can get help at For only $4.95 per month, they can provide you with all the assistance you need. They can also offer you advertising and promoting assistance if your podcast is for that purpose.

Some podcast radio shows are featured on a regular basis, with cliffhangers to keep the audience coming back for more, similar to a weekly TV show. With so many people on the go and on their computers, it is reasonable that such shows would eventually emerge.

The market for podcast radio has skyrocketed. Only time will tell if it is a flash fad or a long term advance of technology that we will be using for a long time. That is, until something better comes along!

Transfering Video and Audio to Laptop

Podcasting downloads assist you with transferring video and audio to your laptop, home computer, or iPod with ease. There are numerous types of podcasts downloads. Some are available online at no charge. Most of these require you to select and download each podcast yourself. There are sites that charge you for the use of the service, but they automatically download each audio and video for you, saving you time. This is a great choice for those of you who download tons of podcasts. You can surf the internet to find out more information on these sites, and the one that offers the services that best fit your needs. You are better off going with a service that offers unlimited downloads than one that sets a limit or charges you more if you exceed the limit.

National Radio now offers 38 programs to download on a regular basis. This allows you to listen to the show when you want, where ever you want! No more watching the time, desperately trying to get home in time to watch it. And with VCR’s becoming extinct, many of us don’t have one to set to record when we know we won’t make it home in time. You can choose to manual download only the programs you want. You can also choose to subscribe and have them automatically downloaded for you.

Podcasting downloads offers us a whole new world of entertainment at our fingertips. For those of us on the go, this may be one of the few ways we will be able to actually take the time to see such entertainment. I think it will be just a matter of time before we are able to download full length movies to our computers! I hope it will be soon!

What is Podcasting?

Podcasting is audio content, such as a MP3 Player, sent over a RSS feed. It is a file that is downloadable for use over the internet. The name is misleading though, as it infers that you must have an iPod to use it. You only need a computer or laptop to access podcasts. This process is fairly new, becoming popular in 2000. Technology allowed it to be used by multiple components as early as 2001. However, it wasn’t until 2003 that podcasting became very popular on everyday websites.

The process of podcasting is very simple. Computer files in multimedia format are downloaded to a server. The customer can then download them in a matter of seconds from the server onto their own system. It allows the user to see the audio and have sound at the same time. Downloading can be frustrating for users who don’t have the proper bandwidth to view them. This can be easier fixed by downloading software online or having a computer installer do it for you at a reasonable cost. Basically, the faster your connection, the better you will be able to view podcasts.

The intention of podcasts was to allow individuals to display their own radio shows. However, they are being well used in other areas. School lessons are a popular use for podcasts. Audio tours of museums, business conference meetings, and public safety messages are all turning to podcasts to get their information out there in a form people can relate to.

In just a few short years, podcasting has become one of the most popular tools on the internet in regards to viewing information in audio form. One of the newest uses for podcasting is the online dating sites. Rather than just having an online profile with a picture and a few lines about the person, they can now show a podcast of themselves, giving potential dates a more interesting look at who they are.

What Shopping Do I Need to Do to Create a Podcast?

Whenever I download a podcast on my laptop or iPod, I wonder if I will ever be able to create a podcast like that. When I did a bit of research on creating podcasts, I found that the process was a fairly simple one.

You might have downloaded a podcast on your desktop PC, laptop or iPod. You might have watched podcasts for entertainment, collecting information, or for work purposes.

The very first thing I did in creating a podcast was to do some research on the topic.

First, the internet is a wonderful source for researching how to create a podcast. Many sites allow you to create one through their site for free, or for a minimal cost. If you want to do it completely on your own, make sure your system is set up for MP3 files. Creating a podcast is a great way to get you some exposure all over the internet. This makes it popular for musicians wanting to get their music out there, authors enticing readers with an interesting segment of a book, or people just sharing things for fun and entertainment.

Regardless of your reason, creating a podcast is easy and fast. The great thing about the set up is your can do it with any type of platform or application. Save your completed audio to ensure the quality will remain the same when it is connected with the audio portion. Then convert it to MP3 format. It is important to use MP3 or your podcast will be distorted or users just won’t be able to open it.

Next, decide where on your site you want to post the podcast. It is recommended that you add a podcast directory to make them easy for users to find. Then create your podcast feed. This is the RSS files that connect your podcast and allow the information to be transmitted. If you are using a blogging tool, remember to create an item for each MP3 item that you publish. If you are not using a blogging tool, simply add the enclosure tag to the end of the file name.

So what are the things I need? I need to record an audio file and convert it into an MP3 file. I need a good microphone connected to a computer. I need a software to convert my audio files to MP3 format. I need a software to upload my podcast on my website. And I am done.