Reviews of Products and Services



Radio Podcasting

Radio podcasting involves creating a show, clip, anything that you want viewed over the internet. Podcasts are in great demand today. The site is often overloaded because too many people are trying to view podcasts at the same time. Viewers can see the content and listen to the audio at the same time.

An advantage of podcasting is individuals can view it immediately after you have posted it. There is no waiting period. I know people who use it to work on school projects. For example, they have an idea to show but you can’t come by. They shoot a podcast, visually showing you the idea and telling you about it! Very simple and very fast.

If you are having problems setting up your podcasts, you can get help at For only $4.95 per month, they can provide you with all the assistance you need. They can also offer you advertising and promoting assistance if your podcast is for that purpose.

Some podcast radio shows are featured on a regular basis, with cliffhangers to keep the audience coming back for more, similar to a weekly TV show. With so many people on the go and on their computers, it is reasonable that such shows would eventually emerge.

The market for podcast radio has skyrocketed. Only time will tell if it is a flash fad or a long term advance of technology that we will be using for a long time. That is, until something better comes along!

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