Reviews of Products and Services



Video Podcasting

Video podcasts allow individuals to get information out all over the internet in no time with a very easy set up that costs nothing, or very little if you decide to have a site assistant help with getting your podcast set up. It allows a video and audio of information to be seen by others.

Podcasts are popping up all over the internet with information on research, movies, and other even political information. They most common types of podcasts are of short programs, music, books; most anything you want to have seen.

The site,, is a compilation of podcasts individuals have posted. Some are of practical jokes, some of are drag racing, the possibilities are endless. Basically anything you can video tape, you can turn into a podcast.

Video podcasts are very simple to make. They involve recording your video, recording your audio, and transferring the entire segment into a MP3 file .That’s it. Such podcasts are replacing the standard profiles on online dating sites with a fun podcast of who that person is. It really gives the user an insight to that person that they wouldn’t get just reading written text.

One concern with video podcasts, are the content of some of them. Surprised parents have discovered their teens posting podcasts of them naked, masturbating, and in some cases having sex. This is another important reason that parents need to monitor what their children are doing, as well as considering placing the computer in an area where it is easily accessible, but where everyone can see what activities are taking place.

Video podcasts have added a new dimension to computer technology, both for work and pleasure. While the idea has only been around for a few years, it has caught on quickly. That is because it is easy to set up as well as easy to access video podcasts.

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